Game change startups.
Un réseau de capitaux.
Programmes à venir
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Le marché du mentorat
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Startup Academy
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Qu'est -ce que VC4A?
Notre thèse et notre expérience.
Notre équipe
L'équipe VC4A.
VC4A pour les entreprises.
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Foire aux questions.
Cloud Payroll, hr & Casuals Payments Platform for African Businesses.
All in one solution for an efficient business management
Connecting corpers,interns and fresh graduate with employers
Democratizing the services sector
An online interview section between Employer and Job applicant
Increasing companies performance with trained impact talent.
VORK - Software for volunteering and work opportunities
Revolutionizing resume building the smart way in Kenya
Enabling Transformative Purpose
App to hire per-hour cleaning services for homes with solidarity.